The world of marketing is constantly changing and evolving. It is getting harder and harder for businesses to stand out, stay relevant, visible and successful with everything else they have to juggle when it comes to running a successful business.

Marketing should be as much of a priority as any other aspect of your company because all it takes is one wrong move in today's world and your company’s brand, reputation, and entire future could be on the line.
Marketing is a key component to build brand awareness and greater exposure which leads to more clients and revenue. So, hiring a marketing agency is a good way to keep your marketing strategy off the back burner and ensure your business and brand is getting the professional attention it needs and deserves. Here are some of the reasons why you may need to hire a marketing agency.
1) Free up valuable time
I hear you saying it… “There’s just not enough hours in the day”. We totally get it. You are doing five jobs, so you don’t always have the time to dedicate to building your marketing strategy that will ultimately help your business thrive. It completely makes sense to prioritize the things that immediately put out the fires and pay the bills. Marketing is something that takes time and strategy so it quickly moves to the bottom of your to do list. Since marketing is what a marketing agency specializes and focuses on daily. They can take this key business component off your plate and prioritize it, while you spend that extra free time to focus on other crucial parts of running your business.
2) Don’t have the budget
Most businesses don’t feel they can afford to hire a marketing agency. Well, they’re wrong! When you break down the numbers it’s often cheaper to outsource your marketing needs to an agency rather than hiring a full marketing team in-house. Hiring and maintaining in-house employees for a marketing team gets expensive fast. From recruiting costs, salaries, benefits, payroll taxes, sick/vacation days, health insurance, and training, the costs add up quickly. If you hire a marketing agency, you cut down internal costs dramatically while the cost for the marketing agency gets put directly back into your business so you get a better ROI.
3) You don’t have the knowledge/skills or enjoy marketing
Your knowledge and skills may be limited or non-existent when it comes to marketing and rightfully so. Just like you’re an expert in your field, marketing agencies are experts in their field. If you have minimal understanding of the ins and outs of marketing, you most certainly will limit your marketing strategy and campaigns’ potential success. Same goes for your enjoyment of marketing. It definitely shows through an uninspired website, half-hearted approach to social media, and a blah blog post. Well, marketing agencies love this stuff. They bring their passion for marketing to your passion for your business while getting to know you and your business really well and then applying their skills to give you amazing results.
4) You want to know what works & what doesn’t
The most frustrating thing sometimes can be not knowing what marketing campaign is working and not working when it comes to getting results. When you have worked tirelessly on marketing campaigns for months, only to see minimal results or experience an increase in phone calls, new leads or sales. Not knowing exactly which marketing campaign produced or didn’t is a tremendous waste of time and money. A marketing agency can provide you with insight into where your campaigns fall short or where they are contributing positive results and why. Not taking advantage of these tools that a marketing agency can provide for you, then you most certainly could be wasting your time on ineffective marketing strategies and squandering potential opportunities for even greater success. Marketing agencies can also provide you with new ideas and strategies to market your business more effectively.
When it's all said and done...
One of the most responsible and productive things you can do for your company is hire a marketing agency. It shows you are willing to do what it takes to succeed and are putting your best foot forward when it comes to your business’s future.
If you’d like to know more about Harkins Branding Co and how we can help your company grow, please fill out our form at the bottom of the page and we’ll get in touch with you right away.